the EXPERIENTIAL KNOWLEDGE of TRUTH | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
THE WAY OF THE MASTERS: The purpose of this site is to help those who are genuinely seeking SPIRITUAL TRUTH. This is not a denominational "religious" site - nor is it about "theology" or "beliefs". It is about pure and simple KNOWLEDGE of TRUTH - the Way of all genuine Mystic Masters. |
A Reference Book of Genuine Gnosis | The author, R. A. Anderson | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
INTRODUCTION : One of the reasons why many ancient authors of religious texts wrote pseudonymously (i.e. falsely using such renowned and time honoured names as the ancient Seers: Enoch, Daniel, Abraham, Adam, etc.) was simply because of the reluctance of their contemporaries to believe, or to accept that anyone could, during their time, truly have received a message or revelation from God. Exactly the same applies today – for who would really believe such a claim? The idea is that God could certainly contact humans in ancient times – but, it would seem, no longer! Is God now dead, or mute? Of course not – for He continually contacts those few who seek Him with a pure and open heart – those who truly seek for Him more than any worldly power, wealth, or honour! Having been initiated, and experiencing the Vision of God (the 'Divine Light' / 'Shekhinah' / 'Beatific Vision') myself, I have written a book on genuine Gnosis and Biblical exegesis, which I hope will be helpful to those who wish to understand and experience the Truth (God). It provides much evidence that Jesus was not the "first" and "only" Messiah, but just one in a long succession of such "God-men" (e.g. Melchizedek, Krishna, Zarathustra, Moses, Isaiah, Buddha, John the Baptist, Mohammed, Nanak, etc. right up to our own day). It also provides proof that "orthodox" Christianity has grossly misunderstood the teachings of Jesus, due mainly to some false beliefs and teachings of St. Paul and other early "orthodox" (e.g. gentile, Hellenistic, Roman, and "worldly") church "fathers" and theologians. The content of this study is of a very controversial nature, but it is crucial for the understanding (and solution) of the current situation of religious ignorance which is causing so much hatred and intolerance across the world. It reveals the fundamental error inherent in all religions. It also provides evidence that so-called Christianity does not represent the genuine teachings of Jesus – quite the opposite, in fact – for hierarchical worldly religion actually represents everything that Jesus condemned. Such religions, instead of revealing the personal GNOSIS and actual EXPERIENCE (VISION) of God right HERE and NOW (as Jesus did, and all genuine 'living' Masters have always done), can only offer, by their very nature, mere THEORY and SPECULATION – a variety of erroneous theological beliefs, empty promises, futile exoteric rites and rituals, and false hopes for the future – nothing more than blind faith in inadequate words learned by rote, and hollow repetitious prayers. This applies to ALL religions. Jesus, as all 'genuine' Masters / Prophets, was Gnostic by definition, i.e. he possessed "first-hand" EXPERIENTIAL KNOWLEDGE of God. It is the non-Gnostics (i.e. "believers") - which comprise the worldly majority, and who formulate orthodoxy, and seek worldly power and wealth - these are the ones who reject and persecute the Truth. Irenaeus and other early church 'fathers', who detested anyone even claiming to be Gnostic, were really no different from the Pharisees and Sadducees who rejected Jesus. These types are with us in abundance today - but now they must be known for what they are! If you are interested in reading this book, it is now available from TGS Publishers, entitled: "Church of God? or the Temples of Satan" (for purchase info, click the "title" link below). For further information, click the "book info" link below. |
Church of God? or the Temples of Satan | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Author's Radio Interview | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hidden Mysteries | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||